Autorsoft’s Car Sales and Offers module – your ticket for success

Our company has a variety of different modules to specifically fit your company’s needs like business software, asset management, mass mailing and cash sales. But there’s a big section dedicated to the automotive industry such as rental, service, sales and offer modules. Today we’ll be taking a closer look at …

Let`s get acquainted – 5 questions to Autorsoft developer Tiit Ootsing

How was the beginning of Autorsoft developing? Autorsoft developing began in 1995 when I worked in Autoring which was the dealer for Nissan and Fiat cars In Estonia. At that time the activities with customers, vehicles, spare parts and workshop work schedule  has been registered in Excel or even in …

E-mail Marketing – fruitless spam or profitable business strategy

Sending a lot of trivial letters to customers is not successful for your company and makes customers abandon such e-mails and delete these offers. Vice versa – if the letters are thought-out and well-subjected this would be an excellent method for increase the sales numbers and brand awareness. Informative newsletter …

Solution for passenger transport company – good experiences with Go Bus

Our customer Go Bus is a company which provides the passenger transport service with buses. They ordered the Autorsoft software to get better overview and to have efficient managing about travelled distances, technical inspections, maintenances and other technical data about buses which provide the transport service. From the beginning of …

Autorsoft and Swecon Cooperation – Customer background information in minutes

Swecon is a Volvo construction machine rental company in Estonia and they asked to develop solution for potential customers background studies. It is necessary to investigate the business history and reliability of potential customers before closing contract with them. Making inquiries to various business databases and downloading data for studying …

Get business software that is adaptive to your company’s needs

Autorsoft’s software has been enhancing business management since 1995.  Don’t settle for a rigid solution Autorsoft is a easily reconfigurable software that can be adapted to fit needs of various different businesses. It was first created with car repair and sales services in mind and is til this day best …

Autorsoft 2020